What is four fifths of 84?

Here we will explain how to calculate four fifths of 84.

Four fifths of 84 is simply four fifths times 84, which can be written as follows:

Four/fifths x 84

Furthermore, you can convert "four" to "4" and "fifths" to "5" and then the equation and answer is:

4/5 x 84 = 67.20

Four fifths written as a fraction is 4/5. You can also write it as a decimal by simply dividing 4 by 5 which is 0.80.

If you multiply 0.80 with 84 you will see that you will end up with the same answer as above.

You may also find it useful to know that if you multiply 0.80 with 100 you get 80.00. Which means that our answer of 67.20 is 80.00 percent of 84.

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