Is 109 an even or odd number?

Here are a couple of methods you can use to figure out if 109 is an even or odd number:

Divide By Two Method
You can divide 109 by two and if the result is an integer (whole number) then it is an even number. Otherwise, it is an odd number. 109 divided by 2 is 54.5, which is not an integer. Therefore, 109 is an odd number.

Last Number Method
Another way to determine if 109 is and even or odd number is simply to look at the last digit in 109. If the last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 then the number is even, and if it is 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 then it is an odd number. The last digit in 109 is 9, therefore, 109 is an odd number.

109 = odd number

Even or Odd?
Type in any number below to see if it is even or odd.

Is 110 an even or odd number?
Using one of the methods above, do you think you can figure out if the next number on our list is even or odd?

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